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  • How safe is placenta encapsulation?
    As part of the encapsulation process, the placenta is dehydated at a high temperature for 12-14 hours to ensure that surface bacteria is killed. Placenta encapsulation is recognised and regulated by the FSA (Food Standards Agency), who set the standards for placenta specialists. To ensure the placenta is 100% safe for consumption, it is essential that the placenta is placed in the cool bag provided within 30 minutes of delivery.
  • When is the best time for me to book?
    I recommend that you book in anytime after your 12 week dating scan. There is a £50 none-refundable deposit payable when booking, and the remaining balance is payable before 36 weeks.
  • How do I arrange collection of my placenta?
    I am on call 24/7 to collect placentas. However, I ask that you contact me at the earliest opportunity to let me know once you're in labour. Please contact me again once your baby has been born. I will then arrange to collect the placenta within 12 hours from the hospital or place of birth. I recommend that your birthing partner also has my contact details for when you go into labour.
  • How long does is take to receive tablets after the birth of my baby?
    Your placenta will be collected within 12 hours following birth. Tablets are usually delivered to you at home or hospital within 72 hours of collection.
  • I'm planning a homebirth, how do I arrange collection of my placenta?"
    If you decide to have a homebirth, I will arrange to collect the placenta from your home. If you are transferred to the hospital, please let me know once your baby has been born and I will arrange to collect the placenta within 12 hours.
  • If I have a Placenta Smoothie*, will I taste the placenta?"
    No. Raw placenta smoothies are made using a small amount of placenta, strawberries, banana and distilled water. Consuming the placenta in its raw form is the most beneficial way of consuming the placenta as it provides the highest quanitity of nutrients in its raw form. Many of my clients are surprised at how much their placenta smoothies look and taste just like normal fruit smoothies! *Placenta smoothies are only available to clients giving birth in Worcestershire.
  • Is the deposit refundable?
    There is a £50 deposit payable when booking which is none refundable. I recommend that you wait until you have had your 12 week dating scan before paying a deposit.
  • Can I delay umbilical cord clamping?
    Absolutely! The placenta has to be placed in the cool bag provided within 30 minutes of the placenta being delivered (not the baby). This should allow plenty of time after the birth of your baby for delayed cord clamping and undisturbed skin-to-skin. It is essential that the placenta in placed within the cool bag provided within 30 minutes of delivery to ensure safe practice.
  • Are there any circumstances where placenta encapsulation cannot be carried out?
    It is essential that the placenta is placed in the cool bag within 30 minutes of the placenta being delivered, to ensure that it is safe for consumption. Unfortunately, if these instructions are not followed, I cannot carry out placenta encapsulation. Within the pack sent to you around 36 weeks, I provide detailed but simple instructions, which I recommend that you share with your midwife and birthing partner, so they know exactly what to do with the placenta following birth. During labour, you shouldn't have to worry about a thing!
  • What happens if meconium is present at birth?
    Where meconium is present during labour, I am able to offer placenta encapsulation in the form of 'Steamed Tablets'. This is due to infection control and to ensure that the placenta is safe for consumption. If you have opted for 'Simple Tablets', and your midwife signs the 'collection statement' confirming that meconium is present, I will contact you to let you know of any necessary changes.
  • What if I am transferred to theatre to have a C-section?
    If you are having a planned cesarean section, or are transferred into theatre for an emergency c-section, the placenta cool bag will need to go with you into theatre. The delivery team will then need to put the placenta into the cool bag within 30 minutes of delivery.
  • What happens if my baby is born in the middle of the night?
    I am on call to collect placentas 24/7. I ask that you contact me to let me know once you are in labour, and again once your baby has been born. If you baby is born in the middle of the night, please phone me on 07939382044 as I am not likely to wake up to a message! I always recommend that your birthing partner has my contact details saved in readiness for your baby being born.
  • Am I able to have a water birth?
    Placenta encapsulation will not restrict you from having the birth that you want. Whilst there are no probems giving birth to your baby in water, the placenta will need to be birthed outside of a birthing pool on a dry clean surface, such as an incontinence pad.
  • I'm planning on giving birth in hospital. What if I spontaneously give birth at home?
    No problem! Once the placenta is ready for collection, let me know your address and I will collect the placenta from your place of birth.
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